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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab


Automatic Room Detection and Reconstruction in Cluttered Indoor Environments with Complex Room Layouts

Claudio Mura, Oliver Mattausch,Alberto Jaspe, Enrico Gobbetti and Renato Pajarola
Year: 2014
Research area: Point-Based Graphics and 3D Scanning
Type of Publication: Journal
Keywords: graphics, architecture, 3D reconstruction, point cloud, scanning, indoor scene reconstruction, segmentation, rooms extraction, floor plans
Journal: Computers & Graphics
Volume: 44
Pages 20--32

Paper (PDF, 8 MB)

Original datasets in range-grid format (ptx)


@article{MMJGP:14, Author = {Mura, Claudio and Mattausch, Oliver and Jaspe Villanueva, Alberto and Gobbetti, Enrico and Pajarola, Renato}, Journal = {Computers & Graphics}, Keywords = {graphics, architecture, floor plans, 3D reconstruction, point cloud, scanning, rooms extraction, floor plans}, Title = {Automatic Room Detection and Reconstruction in Cluttered Indoor Environments with Complex Room Layouts}, Volume = {44}, Pages = {20--32} Year = {2014}}

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